Green flickering playing movie portion of DVD iso images on 4k fire stick

Recently picked up 3 fire sticks, 2 regular 1 4k.  Installed kodi on all of them.  Ripped a bunch of DVDs to a share. 

All 3 fire sticks are accessing the same share, same iso images, over the same wifi signal.

One of the firesticks is a 4k model connected to a 4k TV.

Everything else functions fine on this TV.  All other apps function fine.  Playing back video files through kodi works fine.

But, when playing the DVD iso images on this stick, menus operate fine, warnings operate fine, trailers operate fine, as soon as the feature presentation starts, full green screen flickering occurs.

My other 2 firesticks playback the same iso images fine.

Same version of kodi, all firesticks were just setup this weekend, same settings.

The 4k stick is actually closer to the wifi point than the other 2 sticks.

What gives?  Why is kodi adding a bunch of green flickering to my movies?
Well, at least I have this thread to set my expectations.  Absolutely no help ever given for a valid problem. there anything in Kodi that does work right?
@JonnyGators You are replying to a post from yourself which is almost 5 (!) years old. Did you already try the most recent Kodi version (21)?

if the issue still occurs, you need to post a debug log.
I gave up on the garbage sticks.

I have new issues.

I'm just wondering if I should even bother investing time into Kodi if my question from 5 years ago got not even a single response in that time.

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Green flickering playing movie portion of DVD iso images on 4k fire stick0