Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Fix network permissions
I am using Kodi 18.4 on the Nvidia shield. And I am trying to set up a plugin called Cinemavision. For this plugin to work, it needs to make a folder where it will store some temp files to play, like movie trailers, etc. In the past, I have used this plugin with Kodi. And I already have a folder for this plugin from the past. This folder contains all the required video files etc. I use SMB share and have my HDD show up as a source in Kodi. And this folder is stored on that share. But as I am setting up, I need to select a destination for this plug in to store its save file and have a folder for its content. When I try to select an old location in the content path, it tells me "make sure the selected folder is writable and that the new folder name is valid". Even if I try to make a new folder I get the same issues.

This network location is shared in Kodi as a source, so it shows up fine. I can playback media from these folders manually but I hit a problem when selecting those locations in the content path? Anyone can help me fix this. I think it has something to do with writing permission which I do not know how to fix.
Since you're issue is specifically with Cinemavision, you might post in the Cinemavision support thread and see if anyone else has had a similar issue.

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