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Release Amazon VOD [plugin.video.amazon[vod|-test]]

Not affiliated with Amazon. Amazon, Prime, Amazon Prime and Prime Video are registered trademarks of Amazon Technologies, inc.

This addon supports Prime Video account for Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, United States (referred to as amazon.TLDs or TLDs) and all the countries served by PrimeVideo.com (PV).

Kodi 17+ and python 2.7 & 3 support. Kodi 18+ with InputStream.Adaptive recommended.

Stable: v0.9.6
Addon: plugin.video.amazonvod (not yet in Kodi repos)
Nightly: plugin.video.amazon-test
Nightly repo: GitHub Sandmann79/xbmc (direct links: Krypton/Leia, Matrix+)

Captcha notice
Some of the captchas used by Amazon actually require you to put spaces in where blanks are present. Absence of spaces can actually invalidate an otherwise good challenge answer. Make sure to include spaces if needed.

Localisation (translations)
Is your language missing from our addon? Do you want to help? Follow this link to find information on how to help us.

Useful links
Readme (valuable information)
FAQ (solution to common troubles)
GH Wiki
issues (list of current open issues and enhancement requests)
File a new bug report

Recent changes (v0.9.6)
  • PV/TLD: Fix for the changed search API endpoints, resulting in difficulties browsing and searching

Recent changes (v0.9.5)
  • PV/TLD: Web API has been merged, and the codebase unified. This should solve a number of problems for a lot of users.

Recent changes (v0.8.9)
  • PV/TLD: added profiles support
  • PV: added text language selection option
  • added more debug options and JSON data dumping

Known issues in stable
  • N/A

Want to tip the creators of the addon and support its development?
Sandmann79 (author, DE/JP/US/UK support)
Varstahl (PrimeVideo author, international support)
Thanks for your work
A huge thank you goes to you and sandmann for your great work and for keeping this cat and mouse game still alive - all kodi (and amazon prime video) users much appreciate that!
NVIDIA Shield, H270M-Plus (i3-7100),NUC7i3BNH,WeTekHub,Pi2,Win10Server.
First of all, thanks for all the hard work that has been put into this add-on. Words cannot describe just how much better it is than the native Android app.

I was happily using version 0.7.4 without issue for several months. Sadly, it eventually stopped working. I upgraded to the beta of 0.7.5, but could not get it to work, so I was extremely happy to see a final release of 0.7.5 and installed it last night. Sadly, I've not been able to get this one to work either. I've uninstalled the add-on, rebooted my android box, and then re-installed, but still get the same results. Not being familiar enough with the code for this add-on, I'm unable to figure out what is going on, so I'm posting a log here in the hopes someone can see something I'm not catching, and understand it enough to offer suggestions or a solution (or workaround).

The add-on installs without issue. When starting the add-on it will prompt me to log in. I enter my username and password in Kodi, and shortly thereafter, the Amazon captcha is displayed. I re-enter my password, and enter the captcha code, and then get a dialog box with the same result every time:

Login Error: An error occurred when we tried to process your request. Rest assured, we're already working on the problem and expect to resolve it shortly.Go to Amazon.com'sHomePage

I'm at a loss. I've posted a log here, and debugging was turned on at 10:22 so you might want to scroll down to that point.

Hopefully there's an easy solution...
Kodi Nexus (20.2) on Dell Optiplex 980 Lubuntu 22.04 | Kodi Matrix (19.3) on HTPC Lubuntu 20.04 | My Add-ons | Legacy Repo | Matrix Repo
>>>>> Newest MetalChris Addons: Roku Channel | LG Channels | Xumo Play | DistroTV | Local Now | NHL Radio | Weather Unlocked
There's another user reporting the same (see issue #353). At the moment we do not know if this is a problem with our code or their servers, or both. What country are you accessing the server from?
(2019-11-16, 20:56)Varstahl Wrote: There's another user reporting the same (see issue #353). At the moment we do not know if this is a problem with our code or their servers, or both. What country are you accessing the server from?

That gave me an idea. I'm in the United States. I went to the add-on settings and selected United States as the region and tried to login 3 times, and it just gave me a wrong code error. I changed the region to North American and it let me log in. Now it gives me an error that it can't find the navigation menu for Prime Video. I changed the region back to auto, but it still doesn't find the navigation menu. Sorry, I didn't have debugging on when I tried this, but if you think it will help, I'll turn it on and try again and then upload another log.

Also, I can't seem to find where to disable 2 factor authentication to try and see if that makes a difference. Is that in the add-on settings or on the primevideo site?
Kodi Nexus (20.2) on Dell Optiplex 980 Lubuntu 22.04 | Kodi Matrix (19.3) on HTPC Lubuntu 20.04 | My Add-ons | Legacy Repo | Matrix Repo
>>>>> Newest MetalChris Addons: Roku Channel | LG Channels | Xumo Play | DistroTV | Local Now | NHL Radio | Weather Unlocked
If you're in the US PrimeVideo won't work, so that's perfectly normal. Somebody went onto amazon.com, enabled and disabled 2FA. These kinds of logins are pretty geolocalized so I don't really have an answer for you at this time.

@MetalChris that issue seems to be resolved. If you want to check, you can download the file network.py and replace it on the installed addon. You can find details of files and path locations on the Wiki FAQs on GitHub, if needed.
(2019-11-16, 22:04)Varstahl Wrote: If you're in the US PrimeVideo won't work, so that's perfectly normal. Somebody went onto amazon.com, enabled and disabled 2FA. These kinds of logins are pretty geolocalized so I don't really have an answer for you at this time.

@MetalChris I posted this issue onto github this morning:

Sandmann79 added a commit which solved the issue for me:

The zip file for that commit is: https://github.com/Sandmann79/xbmc/archi...6c2368.zip

Amazing support from the addon developers.
Well, @knappster beat me on the reply, while I just edited the post above. In any case if you're using Amazon VOD you don't need to download the whole thing or repackage, just copy/paste the content of network.py and that should be good enough, the link is in my post above.
(2019-11-17, 02:47)Varstahl Wrote: Well, @knappster beat me on the reply, while I just edited the post above. In any case if you're using Amazon VOD you don't need to download the whole thing or repackage, just copy/paste the content of network.py and that should be good enough, the link is in my post above.

Bam! Zoom! Copying the updated network.py file fixed it. I had to remove the cookie and credentials and then sign in again. Can't seem to export any TV shows to my library, but I think might be due to the current TVDB issues. Movies export no problem.

Thanks for the quick fix! Cool
Kodi Nexus (20.2) on Dell Optiplex 980 Lubuntu 22.04 | Kodi Matrix (19.3) on HTPC Lubuntu 20.04 | My Add-ons | Legacy Repo | Matrix Repo
>>>>> Newest MetalChris Addons: Roku Channel | LG Channels | Xumo Play | DistroTV | Local Now | NHL Radio | Weather Unlocked

I apologize if this is the wrong place to ask this question or if this is a stupid question...but...If someone uses their credentials to their Amazon account to login to this add-on aren't they risking a security breach with their account since this is not an Amazon officlal or endorsed add-on?

I appreciate any useful feedback.

Thank you for your time and effort.
Well, that depends on what you mean by that. The login is done through TLS so no data is sniffable. The entirety of the login process is done through MechanizeLogin and Login, in the network.py file I linked above so you can check that. Also, past login you don't have them stored anyway, just the session cookies needed to access the video stream. So, to sum it up, the addon and Kodi act no different than any other browser.

If you're so inclined I guess you could just copy the useragent/cookies from a session of your browser and write them down along with the other necessary data in the file accounts.lst, where they are stored in JSON format.

If you have anything more specific, just ask.
Great thanks for the new thread, I've closed the old thread and directed everyone here.
I get following error with the 2.0.5 amazon plugin

2019-11-17 21:23:02.792 T:956  NOTICE: [Amazon] Starting DBUpdate (1970-01-01 00:00:00 / 2019-11-17 21:23:02.789740)
2019-11-17 21:23:04.417 T:1001  NOTICE: [Amazon] Args: {'mode': 'appfeed', 'sitemode': 'updateAll'}
2019-11-17 21:23:04.498 T:1001   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <class 'TypeError'>
                                            Error Contents: key: expected bytes or bytearray, but got 'str'
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon/default.py", line 52, in <module>
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon/default.py", line 48, in modes
                                                exec('import resources.lib.{} as sitemodule'.format(var.args.get('mode')))
                                              File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon/resources/lib/appfeed.py", line 34, in <module>
                                                deviceID = gen_id()
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon/resources/lib/common.py", line 433, in gen_id
                                                guid = hmac.new(getConfig('UserAgent'), uuid.uuid4().bytes, hashlib.sha224).hexdigest()
                                              File "/usr/lib/python3.7/hmac.py", line 153, in new
                                              File "/usr/lib/python3.7/hmac.py", line 49, in __init__
                                            TypeError: key: expected bytes or bytearray, but got 'str'
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--

may be this helps
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Amazon VOD [plugin.video.amazon[vod|-test]]2