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Smart Playlist Rules - Genre
Hi - I'm trying to create a smart playlist for movies where I can have a rule that filters out movies that have 2 genres listed (Family AND Animation), but not filter out movies that have either genre listed (Family OR Animation). 

I've created a smart playlist, but it doesn't allow me to only filter out those movies that have BOTH Family and Animation genres assigned. What happens right now is that any movie that has EITHER the Family or Animation genre assigned. 

Does anyone know if what I'm trying to do is possible with smart playlists? Thanks
when you look at how kodi displays  genres  you see Family  you see Animation  you see Family/Animation
contains Family
contains Animation
dose not contain Family/Animation
looks like a bug only shows 3 images if it dose or dose not contain Family/Animation

Not quite sure I'm following what you mean. 

Since the genres on my movies are never always in the same order, what I would really need is a way to tell kodi to specifically exclude movies that have both Animation and Family as genre, and only those movies that have both. 

I've tried contains Family/Animation, but since my genre tags are spaces between them (Family / Animation), that doesn't work. When I add in the space on a single line (Genre does not contain 'Family / Animation'), it still excludes those moves with just one of those tags.
You will need to create 3 Smart Playlists to achieve that outcome.



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Thanks, that gets me closer, but the either playlist is throwing me off, since that is just picking up movies that are either family or animation (and excludes all other genres.

So when I combine the playlists, I'm left with only those movies that are one of the other (family or animation and not both), rather than having all genres besides both family and animation.

Would I need to add all genres to the either playlist to get this to work?
(2020-01-09, 06:07)feerlessleadr Wrote: I'm left with only those movies that are one of the other (family or animation and not both), rather than having all genres besides both family and animation.
Delete the "Either" Rule from the 3rd playlist.
Add the following rule to the playlist Year Greater than 1900
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Awesome, thanks!

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Smart Playlist Rules - Genre0