Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Audio cutting out
I've been having some audio issues, where the audio will cut out for a second and then come back. This doesn't happen until the movie has been playing continuously (i.e without pausing) for 30 mins+, but after it has happened once, it will normally keep happening frequently afterwards. The video is unaffected whilst the audio is cutting out.

My set up is Plex Server -> Nvidia Shield with Kodi installed -> AVR -> TV.

It should be noted that I did not have these issues before I added the AVR (Marantz NR1509) to the mix. The main setting I changed after adding the AVR, was to enable audio passthrough. 

Here's a link to a debug log whilst playing a video where this audio issue occurred many times: Kodi log
It happened 3 times before I started noting down the time, and then after that around the following times: 19:05, 19:07, 19:07, 19:26, 19:40, 19:43, 19:47, 19:53, 20:38, 20:44, 20:45

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