Marked as Unwatched files watched on a specific date
Some time ago I had some guests over that seem to have messed with my Kodi. More exactly someone seem to have marked everything as watched (at least the series). Now, while looking in my Trakt history I pin pointed when this has happened to specific date and time.
Can I marked as Unwatched all and only the files that were marked as Watched on a specific date and time? Or can I marked as Unwatched everything taht is not yet watched on Trakt?
Moved to Add-on -> Service Add-ons support.

I would also suggest to ask directly at this thread:
@DaVu I believe that my problem doesn't necesarely have to do with Trakt add-on, or with add-ons in general, but with Kodi's history and the posibility to edit it somehow.

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Marked as Unwatched files watched on a specific date0