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v18 Changed router how to update new IP address
My new router has a different IP address and my hard drive is connect to it. Is there any way to tell Kodi to change entire contents to the the new IP address.
So for I tried "effort source" put new IP address but when I try to play a file it still has the old IP address and if I press update library it will update and then display duplicate. One with old IP and now a new one.
In order to delete the old one, only way seems to use the "clean library" feature
I got half way through when my TV power feature turned it off and the firestick. The problem is it took about 2 hours to get half way. Now all that is cancelled. Is there another way to do this? 4 hours is too much.
Thank you very much for your help
If I were you, I would change the IP address of my new router to the old router IP address, then restore my most recent library backup made before the new router was installed.
Matrix 19.x (LE), Aeon Nox SiLVO, NUC8i5BEK (i5-8259U, Intel Iris Plus Graphics 655, 16 GB ram, 128 GB M.2 SSD)
Samsung F6300 46" LED LCD TV, SMSL Q5 Pro amplifier, Pioneer HPM-100 speakers
Synology DS215j NAS fileserver (WD Gold 10TB x 2)
Thank you for the reply. Shortly after I posted this, I went and did change the IP address on the router to the same as the old one. Kodi would say that the file can't be found. But whyHuh I was curious and changed it back to the new one and the duplicate file would play.
My last attempt was delete all data and start fresh.
I'm working on it and it should be done updating in about 20 minutes. Much faster then the previous methods.
I have 3 firestick at home. I hoped it would be a simpler method.
The library probably got all bunged up during your first attempts to fix it, but it sounds like you've got it under control now.
Matrix 19.x (LE), Aeon Nox SiLVO, NUC8i5BEK (i5-8259U, Intel Iris Plus Graphics 655, 16 GB ram, 128 GB M.2 SSD)
Samsung F6300 46" LED LCD TV, SMSL Q5 Pro amplifier, Pioneer HPM-100 speakers
Synology DS215j NAS fileserver (WD Gold 10TB x 2)

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