Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Hevc profiles no playback (Netflix Add-on)
Hey guys,

Iam struggling with playback of Netflix streams with activated hevc profiles. Unfortunately I don't get any output if Hevc profiles are activated.
First it seems that the playback will start, my screen changes the resolution & frequency but then I only see "Please wait..." and an infinite loading circle.

Iam using an Intel nuc7 pjyh2

debug log:

Does Anyone have an idea why the playback won't start?

Many thanks in advance!
(2020-04-17, 00:26)brotaxt Wrote: Hey guys,

Iam struggling with playback of Netflix streams with activated hevc profiles. Unfortunately I don't get any output if Hevc profiles are activated.
First it seems that the playback will start, my screen changes the resolution & frequency but then I only see "Please wait..." and an infinite loading circle.

Iam using an Intel nuc7 pjyh2

debug log:

Does Anyone have an idea why the playback won't start?

Many thanks in advance!
I am having the same exact issue. 
on HEVC profiles none of the videos is playing. 

could not find any solution anywhere.

any solution in sight?

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Hevc profiles no playback (Netflix Add-on)0