Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Indicate movie subtitles in media info?
Is there some way to indicate whether a movie has subtitles, but without actually playing it?

I.e., at the bottom of the summary page, there's media info, like the film duration, video resolution, sound format, etc.

I'm wondering if it's possible to indicate whether a movie has subtitles there, too.

That would be, at the most, a YES/NO indicator. Simply because a video container such as MKV can contain multiple subtitles. Some have up to 30 of them...

Those are the internal subtitles. Then there are the possible external subtitles files. So all-in-all it can become quite a mess.
(2020-04-23, 07:17)Klojum Wrote: That would be, at the most, a YES/NO indicator.

Yes, but even YES/NO would be nice Smile

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Indicate movie subtitles in media info?0