Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
DB table season_view issue with multiple locations for same series
While testing syncing of data with Ember Media Manager, I've noticed that the season_view table in the video database uses the same path for all seasons of a TV series. For example, I have Star Trek: The Next Generation split over three different drives on my NAS due to me processing the seasons over a long time and diskspace has not been sufficient to put them all on the same drive. I have tested setting content to 'None' to clean the library completely and then readded the content to force a refresh but it doesn't help the issue at all. The episodes themselves are all fine, and the episode_view table has correct paths. The problem is just that EMM doesn't find the season and skips the item when syncing.

Is this intentional or a bug?
Moved thread to the EMM forum section.
The problem is that Kodi populates the path incorrectly in case of multiple locations for a series. EMM uses the API to communicate with the db.
Sounds like a bug. Can you create an Issue report on github, thanks. Though I must admit I don't know what problems, if any, this causes as I have never come across an issue that is affected by this.

I'll move you back to OS Independent, as it is not specific to Ember and can occur with normal scraping.
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DB table season_view issue with multiple locations for same series0