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Moved to Vodaphone, now Kodi takes 5 minutes to load.
Morning all, 

Long time fan, occasional poster.

I run a Synology box on a fixed IP of I share my media via NFS. I recently changed broadband providers and am now using Vodaphone with a Vodafone WiFi Hub. Since then Kodi is taking forever to load, but once a movie begins it streams fine.

I connect to my Synology GUI via IP and not local name so the IP is definitely correct. No other information has changed, I've checked advancedsettings.xml and sources.xml. I've gone through PHPMyAdmin and the nfs links look fine.

The only thing I can think of is the Vodaphone WiFi Hub blocks UDP on unknown ports or something, would that be the reason why it takes so long to load?
Sadly it's not refined enough to check, UPnP is enabled, so could I use that instead?

Log file is at

Debug log at

Thank you
So to add to this, if I remove the advancedsettings.xml file from the kodi directory, it loads straight away. I can then add video sources using NTFS, and everything loads instantly.

I tried to remove the pathsubstituation field of advancedsettings in case it was an SMB problem, still having the issues.
As you are using there any reason you are using a SMB connection for the pathsubstitution but obviously you are using a NFS connection for your video sources? I would re-think that and probably stick to SMB for windows completely

2020-07-01 10:33:12.970 T:76 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777 (ipv6 : false)
2020-07-01 10:35:46.688 T:10104 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..

And I would also probably disable ipv6 if you aren't in need of it as you are obviously using ipv4 on your network: 


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Moved to Vodaphone, now Kodi takes 5 minutes to load.0