Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Posters in texture cache, or network?
I'm seeing that the display of posters (in a wall view) seem to be very dependent on my network speed...which I can't really explain because my understanding is they should all be cached locally in the texture cache. All my artwork is stored alongside the media, accessed via smb. I can understand it taking longer on first access, as it has to retrieve the artwork from the smb location...and then (as is my understanding) it keeps a copy locally. But what I'm observing is even on subsequent loads it is much slower to display the covers when connecting over WiFi vs a wired network connection...why is it accessing the network at all on subsequent loads? I would expect it to be nice and fast regardless of the network speed, as all the needed textures should already be available locally, no?
Most likely a result of this...
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(2020-09-13, 21:43)Karellen Wrote: Most likely a result of this...

Hmmm good theory, but no it happens time after time. Like go to the movies list, back to main menu, go to the movies does it every time. If I plug the wired connection in all the covers display in 3 or 4 secs....unplug it so it only has WiFi and it's 7 or 8 seconds every time. Strangely it's always the same covers which are slow to load (a few will load fast, but the same 4 or 5 load slowly every time)
We might spot something in the Debug Log
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(2020-09-13, 22:11)Karellen Wrote: We might spot something in the Debug Log

Cool, thanks for taking a peek. This is a fresh boot then just navigating into the movie list a couple times from the main menu

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Posters in texture cache, or network?0