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v18 Where does kodi store the content type (film, TV show) for a source?
I'm often adding new kodi devices to my network and I seem to have a small issue with having to go to each media source and having to Set Content for each LAN share on each new device.

I have a master advancedsettings.xml, source.xml & passwords.xml that I drop into the userdata folder of each new device, but if I forget to manually go to Videos in the GUI and Set Content for each of the Sources; I will end up re-scraping all my content again if I ever do scan for new content.

So I've been trying to find where the Content I set in "This Directory Contains" is being saved so that I can copy it between instances of Kodi - any ideas?
(2020-11-21, 11:20)Anastrophe Wrote: So I've been trying to find where the Content I set in "This Directory Contains" is being saved so that I can copy it between instances of Kodi - any ideas?
It gets saved in the Path table of the database
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(2020-11-21, 11:32)Karellen Wrote:
(2020-11-21, 11:20)Anastrophe Wrote: So I've been trying to find where the Content I set in "This Directory Contains" is being saved so that I can copy it between instances of Kodi - any ideas?
It gets saved in the Path table of the database

thanks, but I guess there must be another location too as I copy all config files (I know of) which sets the mySQL db as the source of all my content + the sources.xml, but yet I have still to go and set the content in the UI as it isn't being set from the DB.  I have to set TV Shows, Movies and Music Videos by hand on each machine (the source is there, it just doesn't have the content type set).
I bypass this by keeping an entire master .kodi folder, not just the few configs. Saves this issue and speeds the process up. I dump that folder into the proper place depending on Windows / linux. In the .kodi/userdata/Database folder I delete the Addons*.db files, Epg*db files, & TV*.db files. Everything else seems to just work straight away. Saves having to re-download art and such. In my case I regularly backup my main living room Kodi .kodi folder.

The Addons*.db files are really only an issue when switching between Windows and Linux in my experience so far. The others are just for good measure.
I think I found the problem,  If the install doesn't have the same scraper installed as the golden image (i.e. I'm using theTVDB for Television) then the new install doesn't recognise the Content Type as having been set.

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Where does kodi store the content type (film, TV show) for a source?0