Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
One specific movie does not work.
I'm running Kodi on Android TV.
I load all my movies through a Samba network.

All my movies have paths like:
smb://media-pc/public/Media/Movies/Vivarium (2019)/Vivarium 2019.mkv

But one specific movie does not work:
smb://media-pc/public/Media/Movies/Apollo 11 (2019)/Apollo 11 2019.mkv

I have enabled logging to see what the error is:
DEBUG: CVideoGUIInfo::InitCurrentItem(smb://media-pc/public/Media/Movies/Apollo 11 (2019)/Apollo 11 2019.mkv)
DEBUG: CSMBFile::Open - opened smb://media-pc/public/Media/Movies/Apollo 11 (2019)/Apollo 11 2019.mkv, fd=-1
INFO: SMBFile->Open: Unable to open file : 'smb://media-pc/public/Media/Movies/Apollo%2011%20(2019)/Apollo%2011%202019.mkv' unix_err:'16' error : 'Invalid argument'
ERROR: CVideoPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening [smb://media-pc/public/Media/Movies/Apollo 11 (2019)/Apollo 11 2019.mkv]

What I could find about this error online is that the path contains unsupported characters, is too long or is invalid.
But in this case everything seems fine.
I also have Plex running who indexes movies from the same location and Plex plays the movie without any problem.

I hope someone can help me with this issue.
I don't have answers, but I have questions!

Could the parenthesis in the folder name be causing this? I have the year in parenthesis in many of my movie filenames, but I've never used them in my folder names.

Did the movie scrape correctly?

Can you navigate to it via Videos->Files->Movies-> etc. and play it that way?

Quote ronie: "Estuary is a giant piece of crap." Looking for a new quote. Ideas?
(2021-02-01, 21:29)marcselman Wrote: I have enabled logging to see what the error is:

Enable debugging in Kodi, restart Kodi, reproduce the error(s) and provide us the FULL log file via pastebin web/service, not pasted into the forum.
(2021-02-02, 21:29)Tobor Wrote: I don't have answers, but I have questions!

Could the parenthesis in the folder name be causing this? I have the year in parenthesis in many of my movie filenames, but I've never used them in my folder names.

Did the movie scrape correctly?

Can you navigate to it via Videos->Files->Movies-> etc. and play it that way?

Good questions.

All my movies have paths like that, so every movie folder has the year in paranthesis.
The movie did scrape correctly.
No matter how I navigate to it, it still doesn't play.
(2021-02-02, 21:33)Klojum Wrote:
(2021-02-01, 21:29)marcselman Wrote: I have enabled logging to see what the error is:

Enable debugging in Kodi, restart Kodi, reproduce the error(s) and provide us the FULL log file via pastebin web/service, not pasted into the forum.
Alright, I can do that, but after looking at the logging the only relevant lines seemed to be the ones I copied.
Well, I found out what the problem was. I'm accessing the movies over a Samba share. That share did not have write permissions everywhere. I added write permissions and now the movies play correctly.
I have no idea why Kodi would need write permissions on a network share to play a movie from there though...

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One specific movie does not work.0