Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Kodi 19.0 - DAV and DAVS ?
Hey Guys, 

I notice that i had a issue on my kodi v19.0  that lots of my files was missing. 

I have 2 servers, one at home in a sub network and another offsite

I have a client kodi that scrapes my library daily and update the content if any files exist, but also if i updated it / removed some it will clean my library. 
The library itself is on my NAS in MySQL. 

When i review the logs i notice that it cant find my the source and then for skip it? but i can go in the davs source whiteout any issue, so waht gives? 

Have the developers decided to remove all the support for davs ? 
I remembered then we got kodi v18 and we had to have a real SSL but thankfully lets encrypt solved that issue for us...  

Here is the log:

And as you can see i can use DAV but not DAVS.. 

Please advice and thanks
Here is the complete log of the windows client btw:

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Kodi 19.0 - DAV and DAVS ?0