2021-03-10, 11:34
Hello my name is Petros Papadonopoulos and, i am a student at the University of west Attica. I'm interested in the proposal for the RetroPlayer achievement system that is posted.
I have never worked on an open source project but I find the idea of achievement system quite interesting, so if there is anyone who can link me to some reference for the library or the api that is needed,
and some basic instructions on where I should start reading in order to understand a little better the code I will work with.
I have successfully compiled kodi and I have added the add-on game.libretro but i am a little overwhelmed with project.
I have never worked on an open source project but I find the idea of achievement system quite interesting, so if there is anyone who can link me to some reference for the library or the api that is needed,
and some basic instructions on where I should start reading in order to understand a little better the code I will work with.
I have successfully compiled kodi and I have added the add-on game.libretro but i am a little overwhelmed with project.