2021-03-21, 18:50
Hello all,
Here is a first version of Horizon for Matrix. This version does not incorporate all of the changes in the skinning engine for Matrix yet. I wanted to provide a version that runs in Matrix, and that does not use script.extendedinfo. For this first version, I have replaced extendedinfo with script.embuary.info, which was created and is well maintained by @sualfred . My coding for this replacement is not perfect, but it works reasonably well.
If you all are OK with the replacement, I will leave it as is. I am thinking of using TMDbHelper, but the coding for that is more complex, and I am not that familiar with Horizon's code yet.
My next task will be to replace the use of script.tv.show.next.aired. Most likely I will replace it with embuary info as well.
You can get the zip file for the skin here: https://github.com/bartolomesoriano/skin...matrix.zip
The GitHub source is here: https://github.com/bartolomesoriano/skin.horizon.
Some caveats: I do not plan on maintaining Horizon for the long run. I also do not plan to implement any new features, so please do not ask. I am very glad to know of any bugs you may find with the versions I make, and will endeavor to fix them quickly.
Just a reminder, this is a work in progress, so not everything is in its final state yet, and not everything will work correctly.
@justin150 , @imarco , please let me know how this first version works for you. Thanks.
Here is a first version of Horizon for Matrix. This version does not incorporate all of the changes in the skinning engine for Matrix yet. I wanted to provide a version that runs in Matrix, and that does not use script.extendedinfo. For this first version, I have replaced extendedinfo with script.embuary.info, which was created and is well maintained by @sualfred . My coding for this replacement is not perfect, but it works reasonably well.
If you all are OK with the replacement, I will leave it as is. I am thinking of using TMDbHelper, but the coding for that is more complex, and I am not that familiar with Horizon's code yet.
My next task will be to replace the use of script.tv.show.next.aired. Most likely I will replace it with embuary info as well.
You can get the zip file for the skin here: https://github.com/bartolomesoriano/skin...matrix.zip
The GitHub source is here: https://github.com/bartolomesoriano/skin.horizon.
Some caveats: I do not plan on maintaining Horizon for the long run. I also do not plan to implement any new features, so please do not ask. I am very glad to know of any bugs you may find with the versions I make, and will endeavor to fix them quickly.
Just a reminder, this is a work in progress, so not everything is in its final state yet, and not everything will work correctly.
@justin150 , @imarco , please let me know how this first version works for you. Thanks.