Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
v19 Artwork Downloader Matrix
Lets play Again....
This is my first try to rollback legendary script.... @Martijn....I hope you are not angry :-]

Matrix version, have menu isue but it's time to public, and hope that legend will live.
I Need help to make this script in 'full working machine'.




Work with Extended Script Smile

XBoxMediaCenter (Kodi Matrix ) 19.3 , AndroidBox -Matrix Skin AeonMQ6
In keys you mising Some Art for your video media, try this script.

All artmap:
- Poster
- Fanart
- ClearLogo
- ClearArt
- Banner
- Landscape
- KeyArt
- DiscArt
- CharacterArt
- SeasonPoster-# (number of season)
- SeasonBanner-# (number of season)
- SeasonLandscape-# (number of season)
- ExtraFanart Folder (Fanart#    number of max. download)
- ExtraThumb Folder (4 Fanart from TMDB or TVDB)


New button in context menu....

XBoxMediaCenter (Kodi Matrix ) 19.3 , AndroidBox -Matrix Skin AeonMQ6
i have some problems with tvshows.
AD cannot find any art.
Here are the IDs (tvshows.nfo) for the test :

Les 100                                                                       
    <uniqueid type="imdb">tt2661044</uniqueid>
    <uniqueid type="tmdb" default="true">48866</uniqueid>
    <uniqueid type="tvdb">268592</uniqueid>

Les Envahisseurs
    <uniqueid type="imdb">tt0061265</uniqueid>
    <uniqueid type="tmdb" default="true">13881</uniqueid>
    <uniqueid type="tvdb">73535</uniqueid>

Stargate SG-1
    <uniqueid type="imdb">tt0118480</uniqueid>
    <uniqueid type="tmdb" default="true">4629</uniqueid>
    <uniqueid type="tvdb">72449</uniqueid>

kodi log :

API requests for thetvdb and use

Tnx for tests...
I see from your log that AD not working as should for tvshow...your scraper for IMDBNumber  use Huh?....and for tvshow doeen't work with id from tmdb.
Can you  try to set default for uniqueid only for one  tvshow and  start "Solo mode" from context menu for that tvshow
<uniqueid type="tvdb" default="true">
uniqueid is only relevant for episode in MyVideos119.db...for tv show is "IMDBNumber"
XBoxMediaCenter (Kodi Matrix ) 19.3 , AndroidBox -Matrix Skin AeonMQ6
I tested as you suggest
<uniqueid type="tvdb" default="true">268592</uniqueid>
and it works in  solo mode and et gui mode.
To get "<uniqueid type = "tvdb" default = "true"> " I have to manually modify tvshow.nfo for all my tvshows ,or scraper using TVDB scraper.As I am using TMDB scraper, these modifications will be lost during a tvshow refresh.
tmdb is not used to get the artwork, it's a shame!
I also noticed that the downloaded artworks are also copied to the temp folder "addon_data \ script.artwork.downloader \ temp".
(2021-06-11, 13:01)roby69 Wrote:  these modifications will be lost during a tvshow refresh.
tmdb is not used to get the artwork, it's a shame!
Fanart Api use only tvdb or imdb id...that is limited for tv show.I think that after your refreh of tvshow id will stay same id(from your nfo)...need to try Smile

(2021-06-11, 13:01)roby69 Wrote: I also noticed that the downloaded artworks are also copied to the temp folder "addon_data \ script.artwork.downloader \ temp".
 I know that, i'll try to delete that files after scanning
XBoxMediaCenter (Kodi Matrix ) 19.3 , AndroidBox -Matrix Skin AeonMQ6
Quote:.I think that after your refreh of tvshow id will stay same id(from your nfo)...need to try
After the refresh the ID is updated by the chosen scraper, in my case tmdb.
@roby69 , one sugestion

You use "refresh" from dialog video info...that's wrong.
In reload you chose tv show from list...and that scrape from (in this case tmdb id).
But if you scrape from library - file....your nfo will be scrape and you will have good IMDBNumber (in this case  "<uniqueid type = "tvdb" default = "true"> ")

try this can use tmdb or tvdb scraper and your IMDBNumber always be same....default from nfo file Smile
XBoxMediaCenter (Kodi Matrix ) 19.3 , AndroidBox -Matrix Skin AeonMQ6

If I chose local artwork, will the script see extrafanart folder inside my movie folder?
Yes...script check if folder exists in your video path...if missing script will download fanart#  l "limit_extrafanart_maximum"- from your AD settings.
This is only script for Kodi Matrix who download extrafanart localy...UMS have this option but doesen't work....for me.

Tnx for testing
XBoxMediaCenter (Kodi Matrix ) 19.3 , AndroidBox -Matrix Skin AeonMQ6
I just ran some tests and it renamed my artwork. it is now the "name of the movie" - discart

I don't remember these being the case before. Is it a matrix requirement?
(2021-06-24, 01:17)Edworld Wrote: I just ran some tests and it renamed my artwork. it is now the "name of the movie" - discart

I don't remember these being the case before. Is it a matrix requirement?

Yes Smile
Please you can see this :
Nice...Artwork Downloader works much better than Artwork Dump
I wonder if this can have the option to first look in the local path (e.g., logo.png) to find missing artwork before downloading them? I'm looking for a replacement of Artwork Beef.
(2021-06-24, 07:48)Nanomani Wrote:
(2021-06-24, 01:17)Edworld Wrote: I just ran some tests and it renamed my artwork. it is now the "name of the movie" - discart

I don't remember these being the case before. Is it a matrix requirement?

Yes Smile
Please you can see this :

No, it's not a strict Matrix requirement. If you look at the wiki page you've qoted you'll find that base names without movienameprefix are also allowed if certain conditions are met.
These conditions are met in my system. I foolishly ran this script, thinking it would just download missing art. Instead it renamed all of my art to long format. I'm guessing that can't be reversed?
It would be nice if options to switch the naming convention back and forth could be added as a user choice instead of making the choice for the user.

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