Please help a EventGhost newbie!
Big Grin 
Can someone please be nice and point me to a guide on how to set up EventGhost for XBMC. EG sees my MCE v2 receiver and remote and dose log the button pushes when i use the mce remote. EG's website is of little help, PM if u want.
"In The End, There Can Be Only One!" Highlander
Here is a link to my EvenGhost xml file. Use this to see how it is setup. The basic use is to use events listed in the log on the left (press a button on your remote to see an event as well as system things that are also monitored) to drive macros and other thing you setup on the right. Simply drag events over from the log to where ever you need them on the right. Use the tool buttons at the top to add macros, scripts, action and such. One you understand the basic concept, you'll realize how easy it is to setup, then you'll learn how powerful it can be to use.
Big Grin 
kricker Wrote:Here is a link to my EvenGhost xml file. Use this to see how it is setup.

WOW, thanks for the file man, im now figuring it all, out. VERy VERY slowly that is, lol! Mind if I PM u if i need help here and there on setting up other stuff with it?
"In The End, There Can Be Only One!" Highlander
Sure. You've been PM'd
Can you share your XML file again, please. It's no more available at the old place.
Any have tested For MCE V2 Huh :
could someone reupload the file please
Sorry, I lost notifications of this thread. I'll post a file shortly.
Here is my file. FYI, I have a few customized XBMC keys.
thanks I will use as an exemple a post my modification if i make something good Smile
lose eventghost and try

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Please help a EventGhost newbie!0