Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Trakt - Emby + Disney+
How would you install Trakt with a scenario like this? Having Emby and the Disney+ Addon.

1- I have an Emby Server, Trakt installed on the Emby Server.
2- I also have a Kodi machine with the Trakt Addon + Disney+ + Emby.

When I play a Disney+ title, the Trakt works great and it is marked as watched once. My problem is when I play an item from my Emby library on the Kodi machine.
The watch status is added twice. Once by Kodi/Trakt and the second by Emby Server/Trakt.

How can I configure things that watching an Emby library item is added only once to watched?

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Trakt - Emby + Disney+0