(2021-09-12, 14:54)bobobo7 Wrote: hoping to see a platform which can connect various LEGAL media sources into one UI
A big smile on my face, nice to see dreamers still posting. The nature of a free open source software precludes the kind of media 'wars' that presents these days, they (corporations) all want control of your eyeballs along with sharing your wallet. Kodi really does embody the best of independent media managers and as someone mentioned 'do one thing, but do it well' comes to mind.
Streaming video sources has been an option for many years, it gives a venue to creatives, to publish their content and becomes a platform of expression to new ideas and narratives that are either not commercially viable, or would otherwise not be exhibited. There is a cost to all of this, hence we see a lot of these start-ups looking for hand-outs or commercialization if the form of advertisement et so. If this all comes under one roof software wise, it will be largely a government oriented plan on control of those large international business, and considering the politics of the day, think globalization and shades of George Orwell.
But where there is money (greed)! I could go on about the rules that we all follow, but it all comes down to content control and who gets the largest share. If you have no respect for what others have created and rules are only to be followed if it's advantageous; then anything I say here will be moot.
(2021-09-12, 14:54)bobobo7 Wrote: Browsing folder structure in 2021 is not sexy
File & Folder structure have been around as long as I can remember, definitely not sexy but is the hierarchy chosen for the order of things, alternative flat file chaos doesn't cut it, check out how your local library handles collections. I do understand that some of the new interfaces embody content choices on interests, genre, ratings and popularity which may seem an elimination of the hierarchical system, but they're all based on how your local library structure is set-up and Kodi does a marvellous job with smart playlists and nodes, not to mention 'other' 3rd party methods
Add-on:Trakt (wiki) and
Add-on:TheMovieDb Helper (wiki) but of course there is some effort to bring in the future. You have a better idea, we're all ears.