Wiki for Apple TV screensavers is incorrect

It is no longer called ATV4 It is now called Aerial

(2021-09-12, 22:56)wcanyon Wrote:
@enen92 is this addon still maintained or replaced by Aerial?
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It's the same add-on id (screensaver.atv4), only the name has changed.
Maybe the wiki is generated by add-on name instead of id, hence the duplicate. The apple TV screensaver wiki page can be removed
(2021-09-12, 23:30)enen92 Wrote: The apple TV screensaver wiki page can be removed
Thanks. I'll can remove the page but the edit history is all bot related, so the bot will just recreate the page. Maybe the addon ID needs to be changed?

The Bot is updating both those pages, so not sure where the data is coming from for one of those pages. One is correct, the second one is getting data from elsewhere. I don't know which is which. Maybe @ronie knows?
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