2021-10-04, 22:05
hi i try to make a little plugin to get stalker portals working
it reads the streamadress from a file (cachefile)
as example
"cmd":"ffmpeg http://localhost/ch/162691_
the code is this
the result is :
but this + sign between ffmpeg and http should be %20 for space
so how i can change the + to %20
it reads the streamadress from a file (cachefile)
as example
"cmd":"ffmpeg http://localhost/ch/162691_
the code is this
python:def retrive_defaultUrl(url, channel, tmp):
if tmp == '0':
s = channel.split('');
url = s[0];
if len(s)>1:
url = s[1];
return url;
cmd = channel;
info = retrieveData(url, values = {
'type' : 'itv',
'action' : 'create_link',
'cmd' : channel});
cmd = info['js']['cmd'];
s = cmd.split(' ');
url = s[0];
if len(s)>1:
url = s[1];
the result is :
but this + sign between ffmpeg and http should be %20 for space
so how i can change the + to %20