mixupload.com plugin.audio
plugin.audio for mixupload.com

plugin.audio.mixupload.zip 262.49 KB

maybe someone likes this music too
tested kodi 19 (PC)
Hey there, so far i tried your addon and i think its great but there are a few things that need to be added. First, i would suggest adding a search engine so that the user will be able to search for there music they would like to listen to. Second, I would add a Genres category into your addon. So far, your addon is great and i think it will be improved in the future.

Thank you
plugin.audio.mixupload.zip 262.80 KB v.0.0.2

- now with Search function
- Added some genres (what is dnb or breaks?)
Hey there, sorry i was busy yesterday but i tested your addon today and for some reason, i don't happen to see the Search function nor the genres. I tried looking for them in your code but could not find any. If you could tell me where it is, i would be glad to know. The version i downloaded is 0.0.2 so you may want to check your addon out again.

Thank you

I used the link from me. : https://f61.workupload.com/download/78VnuCqQzJN  
Installed the addon in new fresh Kodi. It was the new version.

Then I installed the old version in a new fresh Kodi. And then installed the new version.  It was the new version.

I don't understand what's wrong at your Kodi.


Hey, sorry I've been super busy these past few days but i just tested your addon today and i think it works really well and you did a great job on this. So far it reminds me of the soundcloud addon but better. Thank you for making this addon and for adding my suggestions in. I think last time, my kodi was being dumb but was not too sure.

Again Thank you.

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