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Solved SRT subtitles - tags {\an8} - not work on Kodi
Hello everyone.
I have a question, please.

I searched for my problem in the internet universe and found this sentence:
The SRT subtitles format supports the text position using the alignment tags like {\an8}, but they do not work on Kodi.

Is it still valid, please?
Will there be support for tags like {\an8} in the SRT format in the future with the great Kodi?

Thank you everyone.
(2022-01-04, 10:58)xblek Wrote: Hello everyone.
I have a question, please.

I searched for my problem in the internet universe and found this sentence:
The SRT subtitles format supports the text position using the alignment tags like {\an8}, but they do not work on Kodi.

Is it still valid, please?
Will there be support for tags like {\an8} in the SRT format in the future with the great Kodi?

Thank you everyone.

@xblek positioning in srt subtitles was implemented for v20. Since it involved too many changes to the codebase, it won't be backported to matrix. You'll have to wait a bit more (until v20 is final) to take advantage of the feature or use nightly builds.
Thanks a lot for the quick response.

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SRT subtitles - tags {\an8} - not work on Kodi0