Problems running a video file totally inside the buffer of an android player
First of all sorry for the bad English, I'm Italian and this text is translated with google translate.

My situation is this:
I have a PC with windows 10, which acts as a server, with a shared folder that contains the video tracks, on the same I have a copy of Kodi 19.4 and installed a Mysql.

Another PC, a 4k fire TV, and an android player Strong Leap S1 2Gb Ram 8Gb memory (clone of Mecool KM2) can access this folder and Mysql service without problems.

Everything works perfectly, I have been using Kodi for at least 5 years, so I have a minimum of experience.

My idea was to modify the Leap S1, so that it download the entire video track into its memory, and at the end
after this operation, turn off the server containing the shared folder and watch the movie now completely contained within the Leap S1 player.

Since the Leap S1 only has 8Gb of storage memory, and wanting to buffer files up to at least 32Gb of memory (FHD VU H265 video tracks), I plugged into the port
USB 3.0 available, a high-speed 64GB USB 3.0 flash, made into the same system memory, and installed Kodi 19.4.
Here too everything is perfect, Kodi starts up regularly, recognizes that it is installed on a 64Gb key, really everything beyond my expectations (even if to arrive
for this result I had to suffer a little).

To get what I wanted I added this advancedsettings.xml on the Leap S1:

<type> mysql </type>
<host> </host>
<port> 3306 </port>
<user> kodi </user>
<pass> kodi </pass>
<buffermode> 4 </buffermode>
<memorysize> 0 </memorysize>
<readfactor> 10 </readfactor>

Even here apparently everything is fine, the Kodi starts up. I see the video, I see the time scroll bar running smoothly, and the additional bar of the
buffering that progresses regularly, surpassing that of regular time quite quickly:

From here on, a little bit of everything happens:

1st case, video files up to a maximum of 12 - 15Gb
The buffer fills up completely (I deduce it from the bar that scrolls on the screen to the far right of the screen), to be sure I wait another 10 minutes and then turn off
the server, in this situation two things happen, or the movie works perfectly until the end, or suddenly kodi stops saying "No Route To Host"
apparently nonsense given that the film is apparently completely in memory.

2nd case, file of about 30 Gb
Again everything seems to work smoothly, but full buffering never happens, some times at around 30%, others at 50% of the movie, Kodi stops playing
and returns to his Home.

If anyone has any ideas about the strangeness of behavior, which I cannot rule out addicted to my atrocities (even if apparently not), it goes without saying that he will have
my total gratitude.

Thank you in advance

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Problems running a video file totally inside the buffer of an android player0