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Solved Remote control "out of control"
I upgraded to 19.4 recently, I'm running on a Shield TV - I noticed that once in awhile, my remote goes crazy, I will move one "click" in any direction, and it slowly clicks back to the previous selection by itself. Once the behavior starts, it just starts moving backwards until it can't go any further. 

To troubleshoot, I tried two different remotes, one bluetooth, the other IR using a flirc. I also checked to see if the issue happened anywhere other than Kodi, and it does not. Rebooting the entire Shield seems to fix it, but only briefly, so I'm inclined to think it's something wrong with 19.4. 

Any ideas what else I could do to troubleshoot?
Do you have another device linked that is pressing a button?
Aha! I didn't think about that. I have the Shield game controller sitting on a shelf, unused, but there just in case I needed it...I turned it off (I didn't even realize it was turned on) and it seems to have stopped the issue. 

I remember reading somewhere about Shield controllers having a drift problem, but I never used mine so it didn't occur to me. 

Thank you!
Thread marked solved.

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