Vero 4k Advanced Mame Launcher Setup
Ok. I have banged my head against the wall for a while, as some answers seem harder to come by. Hopefully, you guys can help me figure this out. I have read this page - - tons of times. It slowly started to click, and I think I have most things correct; however, Check AML configuration gives the following page -
Operation Mode Retroarch MAME 2003 Plus (Chose this because I couldn't find anything about a "vanilla mame" unless that just means basic MAME 2003 etc)
Software lists disabled (Didn't see how to enable them, but it must be on the configure page)

MAME executable
ERR MAME ROM Path not found
ERR Retroarch executable not found
ERR Libretro directory not found
ERR MAME 2003 Plus XML not found

MAME optional paths
WARN MAME CHD Path not found
WARN MAME Samples Path not found

NAME assets
ERR MAME Asset path not found

INI/DAT files
ERR MAME INI/AT path not found.

ALL of these paths have been defined in configuration. They all reside on a QNAP NAS with guest privileges enabled for RW. I think this is my minor issue. My MAJOR issue is understanding the MAME software itself. I AM NOT talking about ROMS. I saw another thread get a little testy on the subject, so I want to be clear that I am only talking about the Retroarch software. Vero is Linux but OSMC is a form of Windows, so which version is supposed to be installed? And more importantly, how do you even install it? I tried installing it on Windows and moving the executable over the QNAP, but there are still tons of other files associated, such as DLL's as well as the Libretro cores that allow the various ROM's to operate. So bottom line, what does "installing MAME" really look like? I know that the configure file must point the the actual executable, but what else goes there and from which OS version?

Hi, sorry I didn't see this thread until now. Can you please post a debug log (using a pastebin service) so I can track the problem?

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Vero 4k Advanced Mame Launcher Setup0