Hi there, I didn't want to create another thread since this is already here. I am starting with a fresh install of Kodi, my original installation was old and had issues with crashing, so I deleted the entire portable_data folder and updated to the latest nightly (from last week, so it isn't the most bleeding edge version but I am on nexus). Anyhow, I am wanting to incorporate my music into my library and I like having granular control over my local artowrk and nfo files so I tried using mediaelch for my music but it is being strange about not finding any of my albums...so, I figured I would give CDArtmanager a try because I used it years ago and loved it, unfortunately it gives me an error about the python version not being satisfied (2.19). So, I have been searching, trying to figure out a way around this and found this post, I figured I could ask you since you offered help to the OP.
I opened the addon.xml and edited the Python dependency to 3.0 and 3.1.0 yet it still gives me that error, the only difference is instead of saying 2.19 like it did previously, it now shows 3.0 and 3.1.0.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Edit: Wild! Litterally 2 minutes after commenting here, I found THIS. So my problem seems to be solved, it at least installed without any errors.
Edit 2: Well, that didn't work. It doesn't even launch
HERE is my log. I would really like to get this addon going, even if the alternatives (Artwork Dump and generic scraper) do work, I like having options and being able to say, "I fixed that".