Solved openwizard & backup addon
nvidia shield tv pro 2019, 8.2.3, kodi 19.4.

kodi backup addon keeps saying write protected on nvidia internal drive and my external drive.

cannot make a backup.


and also I made a backup with open wizard, wiped data from kodi from Android app settings, opened up kodi, installed open wizard, tried restoring the zip back up, open wizard gave an error that's it said error.

before all this I did end up backing up the Kodi folder through the network SMB, took 20 minutes for 1 gig on a 1000mbps connection, and I tested a big file transfer and it went quick it's just this Kodi folder.

open wizard and backup add-on don't work.

luckily I had the folder backed up and it took 25 minutes to restore 1.06GB.

there's got to be a quick way to back this up and restore it without any hassles like above.
here i trying to restore backup with open wizard.

This is completely user error on my behalf.

android tv has one directory to write to a external device ANDROID_SHIELD folder, well, I am a android user and found a cmd that I thought might let kodi write to the entire external hdd, it didnt "facepalm".

adb shell pm grant org.xbmc.kodi android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

I totally forgot I did this and never reversed so I reversed it with

adb shell pm grant org.xbmc.kodi android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

I am now able to backup with kodi backup addon, on the other hand havent tested with open wizard yet.

My bad.
It's nice to know that things are now working (again).

Just know that TeamKodi does not give support on any type of 3rd party 'build' or 'wizard' add-ons, certainly those that have a (distant) link to video piracy.
Thread marked solved.

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