2022-09-23, 23:38
Please can anyone help to resolve this :
I try to setup the skin for example estuary to show TV menu.
I used 2 ways without result:
1: used jsonrpc (not sure if i use the right params)
jsonSetSkin = '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"Settings.SetSettingValue", "params":{"setting":"skin.estuary.homemenunotvbutton", "value":false},"id":1}'
2 : Addon.setSetting
skin_addon = xbmcaddon.Addon('skin.estuary')
skin_addon.setSetting(id='homemenunotvbutton', value = "false")
I try to setup the skin for example estuary to show TV menu.
I used 2 ways without result:
1: used jsonrpc (not sure if i use the right params)
jsonSetSkin = '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"Settings.SetSettingValue", "params":{"setting":"skin.estuary.homemenunotvbutton", "value":false},"id":1}'
2 : Addon.setSetting
skin_addon = xbmcaddon.Addon('skin.estuary')
skin_addon.setSetting(id='homemenunotvbutton', value = "false")