Making TV Shows & Movies separate folders?

As of now all of my video files are showing up in both 'TV Shows' and 'Movies' All I want to do is click "TV Shows" and get only TV Shows and not all my video media.

My files are setup correctly (TV Shows 1>TV Show Name>Season 1>Episode1), and I'm 'changing content' on each show directory to 'TV SHOW'. What am I missing?  

(2022-09-27, 21:17)Fleming1 Wrote: and I'm 'changing content' on each show directory to 'TV SHOW'.

Why is that? When you set the content for "TVSHOWS 1" as 'TV shows', then everything in that folder is considered a TV Show.
Movies and TV shows should each have their own root folders. When movies and tv shows are in each other's folders, then there will be trouble.
Please provide a Debug Log that captures an Update Library.
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Making TV Shows & Movies separate folders?0