Solved inputstream.rtmp missing in ppa:team-xbmc/ppa
Can the kodi-linux devs please update the ppa with inputstream.rtmp for jammy
currently the ppa only has these two. Thanks
kodi-inputstream-adaptive           6:19.0.7-1~jammy         Wolfgang Schupp (2022-06-23)
kodi-inputstream-ffmpegdirect       6:19.0.3-1~jammy         Wolfgang Schupp (2022-06-23)
Kodi 22 nightly Windows 10 | 21.2 Xbox One X | 22 nightly Linux Mint Xia XFCE | CoreELEC NO 22 nightly S905X4 aarch64
@wsnipex ? ^^
Any update on this please @wsnipex
Kodi 22 nightly Windows 10 | 21.2 Xbox One X | 22 nightly Linux Mint Xia XFCE | CoreELEC NO 22 nightly S905X4 aarch64
Any update on this please @wsnipex

Jammy is the current LTS and almost 8 months have passed since its release. Can you please compile and release inputstream.rtmp for jammy

PS: Monthly bump
Kodi 22 nightly Windows 10 | 21.2 Xbox One X | 22 nightly Linux Mint Xia XFCE | CoreELEC NO 22 nightly S905X4 aarch64
Thanks for including it for Kodi 20 Jammy
Kodi 22 nightly Windows 10 | 21.2 Xbox One X | 22 nightly Linux Mint Xia XFCE | CoreELEC NO 22 nightly S905X4 aarch64

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inputstream.rtmp missing in ppa:team-xbmc/ppa0