2022-11-23, 01:35
its not to say the add-ons are being used ! i have 2 bottles of milk by my front door but doesn't mean ive a cow in the back garden. ordering someone to remove something thats not being promoted nor played on here is typical of what this world is coming too.. 99.9% of people probably have the same add ons ,sorry not probably ,most definitely. kodi/ XBMC wouldn't have got where it is now without the add-ons, which may i add do not actually host the piracy its the person who chooses to use it for that said purpose. As long as kodi are not promoting it there is nothing legalities can punish kodi for the same as twitter are protected by article 230 this being a social forum kodi would get the same privilege .my rant is not about the use of piracy but the refusal to help someone due to what they have on their personal computer within their own home that is to everyones knowledge not breaking any laws just people assuming then on those assumptions demanding persons remove or change something to suit their liking or the said persons face consequences. why not just write "hey buddy ,we dont allow/like those add-ons can you remove the log and post a new one" but no yet threats are used instead of diplomacy and decorum