Req Any Web Interface modeled after Netflix, so I could Use Kodi without a Monitor?
Currently, I have a TV connected to my PI. Is there a way to have a Webinterface similar to Netflix to access Videos and get them streamed over web browser. It should not try to run it on the connected TV.

Currently, If I use one of the available Web Interface all videos get started on the connected TV.
Kodi isn't designed to run headless as a server.

There have been a few attempts over the years to rework it in that way, but to my knowledge there is nothing ongoing at the moment (and none of the work is "official" by the team, although some team members have been involved as individual developers).

Plex might be a better way for your usage case?

Editted to add - having said the above, there is this thread which may offer a headless Kodi, although I don't think it will be what you want as Kodi isn't designed to stream to other devices. I suspect this headless Kodi will be just for a central database that other installs can share.
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Interesting, I assumed that Kodi itself is more a server and the frontend for browser or TV is separate. Now I understand why this Browser add-ons for Remote control are that limited.

Thanks for your answer.
May take this as an Enhancement request to enhance possibilities for Browser. This day's I'm not anymore so much on TV and sometimes stream from Mobil phone or Tablet. I would like it if the Browser contain similar possibilities like the TV frontend has.
Kodi is basically designed as a media centre and player, with the assumption that it's either on a device which has playback capabilities (e.g. a smart TV) or is on a device that is connected directly to such a device (such as a Shield, a FireStick, a Pi or of course an actual computer).

You can ask, but as it would be a rather major change I doubt it will get much attention (especially given we're not overstocked with developers even for the core stuff at the moment). Kodi can act as a DLNA server, but personally I always find that experience to be less than optimal.

As I said above, something like Plex might fit your needs better, as that can playback in a browser.
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Kodi Blog Posts
(2022-12-09, 18:10)Mannshoch Wrote: Interesting, I assumed that Kodi itself is more a server and the frontend for browser or TV is separate. Now I understand why this Browser add-ons for Remote control are that limited.

Thanks for your answer.
May take this as an Enhancement request to enhance possibilities for Browser. This day's I'm not anymore so much on TV and sometimes stream from Mobil phone or Tablet. I would like it if the Browser contain similar possibilities like the TV frontend has.

Since Plex was mentioned, Mezzmo is also a viable option.  It has seamless Kodi integration and a good web interface.  I maintain the Mezzmo Kodi addon and Wiki.  Here's a screenshot of the various Kodi and Web interfaces including the native integration.  Happy to answer questions.


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
@jbinkley60 It seems that the Webinterface need a Mezzmo Pro. I curently do not Plan to pay for a Webinterface solution.
(2023-03-15, 17:12)Mannshoch Wrote: @jbinkley60 It seems that the Webinterface need a Mezzmo Pro. I curently do not Plan to pay for a Webinterface solution.

My apologies.  I missed that was part of the pro version.  It's been quite a long time since I looked closely at the differences between regular and pro versions.


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
You welcome.

In my opinion, Kodi should ship a Web-Solution itself. My personally opinion is, that Kodi should not focus to a specific output device.

But If you come across another solution, I'm open to it.
(2023-03-21, 12:20)Mannshoch Wrote: You welcome.

In my opinion, Kodi should ship a Web-Solution itself. My personally opinion is, that Kodi should not focus to a specific output device.

But If you come across another solution, I'm open to it.

Well Kodi does come with a web interfaces.  See here for details.  I just don't think it is what you are looking for, based upon the original ask.  The only reason I mentioned Mezzmo was that DLNA and Plex were both mentioned as web front end options.  Mezzmo is just another version of those (better in my opinion)   Smile

Good luck and thanks,

Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
(2023-03-21, 12:20)Mannshoch Wrote: You welcome.

In my opinion, Kodi should ship a Web-Solution itself. My personally opinion is, that Kodi should not focus to a specific output device.

But If you come across another solution, I'm open to it.
Kodi is a free and open source project. New features usually materialise from the motivation, skill and availability of contributors to the project. If there is a lack of any of these then things don't happen. So if someone out there wants to write it....

That being said, Kodi is and has always been a client application designed to run on one device with direct display capabilities. What you are asking for already exists in server / client services such as Plex for example.
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Any Web Interface modeled after Netflix, so I could Use Kodi without a Monitor?0