v20 Black Screen while playing video after v20 upgrade
When I attempt to play a video, the audio works, but video is a black screen.  Everything worked normally just prior to the v20 upgrade, has been running fine for years. I tried disabling HW acceleration and rebooting, no change.  Problem applies to all videos I have tried thus far.

Debug Logs: http://paste.kodi.tv/fusizerire
In this log, I attempt to play S03E06 - The Special Section.mkv and the result is audio + black screen video.

Kodi on Windows 10.  I think this was installed from MS Store, as the upgrade was automatically pushed to me.
No idea on the black screen, but there is also a SQL problem with the local SQLite database, something for the Kodi devs to have a look at:

2022-12-16 21:16:15.376 T:2712 error <general>: SQL: [Epg16.db] SQLite error SQLITE_ERROR (duplicate column name: iChannelGroup)
Query: ALTER TABLE savedsearches ADD iChannelGroup integer; (duplicate column name: iChannelGroup)
After a bunch of trial and error, I got it working by disabling the 'Color Management' option.  No idea how/why/what this does, but if I turn it off then videos play.
Maybe @ksooo might know the issue with the epg database
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This Matrix to Nexus PVR EPG update bug has been fixed in the Nexus nightlies.


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Black Screen while playing video after v20 upgrade0