Solved Black screen on video after updating Kodi from 19.2
I'm having this odd bug where all video playback goes black after updating kodi.
We are having this odd problem that we still don't have a crystal ball to magically see what is going on onto other people's setups. Try providing a debug log (wiki) first.
Sorry here you go, log
the issue fixes itself if i downgrade to 19.2
(2023-01-18, 09:10)27hectormanuel Wrote: the issue fixes itself if i downgrade to 19.2

That is not "fixing itself", that is running away from the problem.

Also, your log is not debug-enabled, so information could be minimal.
One of your repositories is outdated.
One python script has some error.
2531 EPG channels...?
Any problems from/via should be handled by its developer.
Updated the old log with a debug log enabled.
The issue is not with a specific add-on instead all video goes black and audio is playing fine
Does it happen even with the default skin?  I know upgrading partially screwed up a skin I was using.
yes video is still black with estouchy
In GUI Settings > System > Display       make sure "Colour management"  is DISABLED

Maybe you enable it by accident in the past and not notice until now because in v19.4 this was not working due to a bug. Now works but a valid ICC profile must be specified, etc.
it works now!
Thread marked solved.

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Black screen on video after updating Kodi from 19.20