Help with a simple addon not working

I've got an addon thats stopped working. Its a simple addon to start music party mode and I cant work out what is wrong - no errors are thrown and the kodi.log shows the addon as running successfully.
I can start music party mode manually via the kodi gui and as far as I can tell, everything in the addon code is up to date. Its not working with kodi 19 and 20 on windows. None of the builtin functions work, not even stopping current playback, though I can see the addon is reading settings through some print statements I tested with. is below, and the whole addon is on giuthub

import xbmc
import xbmcgui
import xbmcaddon
import time

addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='')
visTimeout = int(addon.getSetting("visTimeout"))
visInfoHide = addon.getSetting("visInfoHide")
visInfoTimeout = int(addon.getSetting("visInfoTimeout"))

def startPartyMode():
    if visInfoHide == 'true':


Can anyone tell me why its not running? I'm stumped...
(2023-02-20, 14:19)teeedubb Wrote: Hi,

I've got an addon thats stopped working. Its a simple addon to start music party mode and I cant work out what is wrong - no errors are thrown and the kodi.log shows the addon as running successfully.
I can start music party mode manually via the kodi gui and as far as I can tell, everything in the addon code is up to date. Its not working with kodi 19 and 20 on windows. None of the builtin functions work, not even stopping current playback, though I can see the addon is reading settings through some print statements I tested with. is below, and the whole addon is on giuthub

import xbmc
import xbmcgui
import xbmcaddon
import time

addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='')
visTimeout = int(addon.getSetting("visTimeout"))
visInfoHide = addon.getSetting("visInfoHide")
visInfoTimeout = int(addon.getSetting("visInfoTimeout"))

def startPartyMode():
    if visInfoHide == 'true':


Can anyone tell me why its not running? I'm stumped...

I believe you need to remove the XBMC from the commands:



Try this


I am not 100% sure but I believe this will fix it.

Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
That was it! Thank you very much!
So simple but I overlooked it
(2023-02-21, 11:21)teeedubb Wrote: That was it! Thank you very much!
So simple but I overlooked it

Glad that fixed it.

Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.

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Help with a simple addon not working0