Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
HDD to SSD buffer or cache before playback
Hi, I have a setup mounted on a computer and it has a 120 SSD and a 2TB HD, I wanted to know if there is a way to copy the contents to the /tmp directory for example or another temporary directory (that KODI can manage ) then the complete copy or a buffer could be made to the SSD, the idea is not to need to use the HDD 100% of the playback time and perhaps make the process of forward and backward more agile when using the SSD.

Is there a setting or addon that allows for some of these scenarios?

not within kodi but if youre on linux look into "lvmcache" for your needs

afterthought disclaimer, ive never used such a thing on disks with existing data on them, it may require reformatting
But does lvmcache use the disk as a dedicated cache or can I just dedicate a part of it or something like that? If it's possible to use just a piece, it looks good, I'll look for it.

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HDD to SSD buffer or cache before playback0