Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Is there a skin that let me easily change thumbnail size?
The title says it all, almost.

I'm quite new to Kodi and in setting it up I felt I need to be able to easily change the thumbnails (or the placeholders) size and their number per line and per page.
Another thing I'd like is to find a way to show the whole title/filename (or caption) even in a thumb' view, without the need to hovering over the thumb, so maybe using more rows.

Does anybody know if there is a skin or an add on that would let me do that without having to mess around with xml files?
I'm on Estuary and Estouchy but I can change skin, if needed.
I'm setting kodi on Win, Android and Fire TV.


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Is there a skin that let me easily change thumbnail size?0