Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Subtitles always disabled when watching anime directly from media source
I browse a media source to watch certain shows, and they have embedded subtitles. In Kodi, they show up as Unknown, and even though they are selected by default, subtitles as such are disabled every time a new file is opened. I have to enable them each time I open a new file. I can't figure out which settings would be affecting this. Has anyone else had this problem, and fixed it? Can someone help me troubleshoot this?
Double-check the settings for the subtitle stream flags in your video files: Default, Enabled, Forced, Hearing impaired, Visually impaired, Original language, Commentary...
Also double-check your OSD language and subtitle settings in Kodi.

All can have an impact on which subtitles are shown (by default), and if so, which subtitle.
Use MKVToolnix for an overview of your video file. MediaInfo gives you a more lengthy but cluttered listing of the same details.

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Subtitles always disabled when watching anime directly from media source0