cannot get a full screen that is not about 30% of display
If I tell the system display mode to be full screen it gives me a full screen in about 30% of the display.  This also happens if I press the back slash key.
Processor:                     AMD FX(tn)-4300 Quad-Core Processor
Memory:                        15307MB (4282MB used)
Operating System:        Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
That .. is not a whole lot of information to go on. Are you still using your now 11-yr old FX-4300 AMD, and if so, what graphics card?
How are you "telling" Kodi to use full screen besides the backslash key? A debug log (wiki) would be nice to have for some full details.
I have been carping on this for over 2 years (to no avail).  Since you are not aware I need to know how much information you have.  For instance, do you have the pictures that demonstrate the problem?  Do you understand my problem which is simple.  I would like to a full display to mean that its what I am watching with nothing else on the screen.  I would be happy to send you a debug log.  Should I send you pictures of the problem or do you have them.  
Let me know what you want and I will send it to you.  I didn't worry about that before as the folks I was dealing with pretty much had everything.  I think its all still in my emails to kodi but if you need more I will get it for you.

Thanks for the reply!
Processor:                     AMD FX(tn)-4300 Quad-Core Processor
Memory:                        15307MB (4282MB used)
Operating System:        Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
(2023-06-17, 01:15)jwhitt12 Wrote: Let me know what you want and I will send it to you.  I didn't worry about that before as the folks I was dealing with pretty much had everything.
Simply all possible information you have. We are not sitting next to you, thus we're cannot see what is happening on your screen.
A full debug log (wiki) was already suggested/requested the last time, it should provide all the necessary tech details on your hardware.

(2023-06-17, 01:15)jwhitt12 Wrote: I think its all still in my emails to kodi but if you need more I will get it for you.
Only very few people have access to Kodi email, so that is not a very efficient way of requesting support any way...

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cannot get a full screen that is not about 30% of display0