Axinom integration with inputstream.adaptive
Hi everyone,

can someone please advise on how to integrate Axinom DRM with Kodi inputstream.adaptive.
Background: I am maintainer of this plugin: LivGolf and the provider has recently activated drm.

What did I try?
There is a turtorial on how to use the DRM: here.
It even provides a demo that one can study.

The licence URL is provided and obviously correct. There is then a license token provided which is passed in the htttp header: X-Axdrm-Message
What I don't know is what should be the post data. I have tried |R{SSM}|R in this code:
Code snippet:

                             license_url +
                             "|User-Agent=" + user_agent +
                             "&origin=" +
                             "&referer=" +
                             "&X-Axdrm-Message=" + license_token + "|R{SSM}|R")
because I thought the data send and returned is raw - but I don't know...

During run-time it results in inputstream complaining with:

AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: LogDecryptError: Decrypt failed with error: 2 and key:
AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: Decrypt Sample returns failure!

Maybe anybody more knowledgeable with inputstream can help.
perhaps this would be helpful -

you basically have to watch the mechanism in action when accessing the resource

from your linked readme url:

that appears to be base64 to me, base64 url encoded would replace characters in the base64 string with their % values in certain cases (slashes for example)

hope that helps
(2023-05-29, 13:24)Nirvana-777 Wrote: Hi everyone,

The licence URL is provided and obviously correct. There is then a license token provided which is passed in the htttp header: X-Axdrm-Message
What I don't know is what should be the post data. I have tried |R{SSM}|R in this code:
Code snippet:

                             license_url +
                             "|User-Agent=" + user_agent +
                             "&origin=" +
                             "&referer=" +
                             "&X-Axdrm-Message=" + license_token + "|R{SSM}|R")

Try with this
burl = ''
lic = '{0}|User-Agent={1}&Referer={2}/&Origin={2}&X-AxDRM-Message={3}&Content-Type= |R{SSM}|'.format(license_url, user_agent, burl, license_token)
playitem.setProperty('inputstream.adaptive.license_type', 'com.widevine.alpha')
playitem.setProperty('inputstream.adaptive.license_key', lic)
playitem.setProperty('inputstream', 'inputstream.adaptive')
playitem.setProperty('inputstream.adaptive.manifest_type', 'mpd')

There is an intentional space between `Content-Type` and `|`
Kodi 22 nightly Windows 10 | 21.2 Xbox One X | 22 nightly Linux Mint Xia XFCE | CoreELEC NO 22 nightly S905X4 aarch64
This used to work - the key has now expired but the formatting should be correct:



The forum has forced a newline, sorry about that.
By the way - you will quite often see those 2 error log statements when the license request is first being done. Please enable debug logging and check to see if the license server returns bad or not.
Thank you everyone!

In the end this is the working code:


burl = ''
lic = license_url + '|User-Agent=' + user_agent + '&Referer=' + burl +'/&Origin=' + burl + '&X-Axdrm-Message=' + license_token + '&Content-Type= |R{SSM}|'
playitem.setProperty('inputstream.adaptive.license_key', lic)

Really appreciated your help!

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Axinom integration with inputstream.adaptive0