Win failure to decode 1080i HEVC video that works for ffplay and vlc player
Hi and thanks to all who work on KODI and those who post help on the forums. Reading them has been helpful but not enough to find what might be my problem.
I am running KODI Nexus x64 (20.2) on Windows 10 which I have been able to decode 1080i HEVC, but not not this 1080i HEVC type.
The video is 1080i HEVC and does not decode but I can hear the audio. 
The confusing part is that the file plays out on on KODI v17.6 Krypton (as wide 1920x540) but more recent versions of KODI do not decode the video.

I also downloaded the ffmpeg 4.4.1 binaries and ffplay decodes it. Adding the command line params "-vf setdar=16/9" makes it display in the correct aspect ratio.

Both Krypton and Nexus KODI logs says KODI is using ff-hevc-d3d11va but only v17.6 Krypton renders the video. But I do have to change video settings during playout in Krypton from "Normal" to "Stretch 16:9" to correct the aspect ration from 32/9 (1920x540)

I did notice that the Krypton logs say it is opening stream with codec id: 174 while Nexus says it is using codec id: 173 .  But I was unable to locate what that might mean.
Also the Krypton successful decode on screen display says Video stream: 1,920x544 px, 3.56 AR, 59.940 FPS
While Nexus says Video stream: 1,920x544i, 0.00 AR, 59.940 FPS
Both say Video decoder: ff-hevc-d3d11va (HW) / Pixel format: d3d11va_vld / Deinterlace method: unknown

I understand the resulting aspect ratio of 32/9 is expected behavior decoding 1080i HEVC but is the video decode failure for KODI versions above Krypton for this type of 1080i HEVC something correctable? Thanks 

Krypton successful decode log
Nexus failed decode log
MPEG Analyser Output log
FFplay successful decode out
Sample File

Analyzer snippet looks ok for 1080i HEVC flags:

general_tier_flag =0 Main tier
general_profile_idc =1 Main profile
general_progressive_source_flag =0     
general_interlaced_source_flag =1 Source scan type interlaced only
pic_width_in_luma_samples =1920 OK
pic_height_in_luma_samples =544 OK
vui_parameters_present_flag =1     

aspect_ratio_info_present_flag =1     
aspect_ratio_idc =1 Aspect ratio 1:1 "square"
overscan_info_present_flag =0     
video_signal_type_present_flag =1     
video_format =0 Video format component
video_full_range_flag =0     
vui_num_units_in_tick =1001 Clock tick = 59 s
vui_time_scale =60000 60 kHz clock
vui_poc_proportional_to_timing_flag =0     
pic_type =0 I slices only
pic_struct =11 Indicated display of picture: top field paired with next bottom field in output order
source_scan_type =0 source scan type interlaced

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failure to decode 1080i HEVC video that works for ffplay and vlc player0