Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Broken Odd behavior of actor database
This feels to me like a tiny bug, although it is possible there is some important reason why the UI works this way.  When I search the Movie library by actor, on the right side of the screen it shows in how many movies each actor appears in the library.  If I select the actor, it pops up the list of all said movies.  So far, so good.  When I jump back to the main list, however, the number on the right side of the screen have disappeared.  In order to get that information to appear again, I have to back out all the way to the main Movie screen and then go back into the actor list.  With more than 15,000 actors in the actor list, collecting and collating all the information takes a fair amount of time.  These boxes are not supercomputers, after all.  Can someone comment on this "feature"?
Not seeing that behaviour myself using Estuary. What skin are you using?
Estuary.  I double-checked, and on all three KODI systems I am using, the behavior is the same.  When I enter the actors list from the main screen, on the right side of the screen it says "Appearances xx", but when I enter into the actor's list of movies and then hit <Back>, the number of appearances is no longer there.
Only checked Windows.
Hmm, OK.  If this is OS dependent, perhaps it should be moved to the Android forum and re-labeled.
Just checked on my Shield TV and I'm seeing the same behaviour.
So at least two people are seeing this behavior.  Are any of the developers watching this forum?
(2023-08-11, 06:03)lesrhorer Wrote: Are any of the developers watching this forum?
Best way for devs to see it is to report an issue on GitHub.
Thjat is mot what it says on github.  I checked before I posted here.  It very specifically says not to create a github issue if one is not certain it is a bug.  I am not certain this is a bug.  Not yet, at least.
*THAT and NOT*
(2023-08-14, 01:49)lesrhorer Wrote: I am not certain this is a bug.
What else is it then?
There could be some design intent that produces the behavior.  The face the behavior may be in itself unintended may not in the eyes of a developer qualify its as a bug.  Since the behavior apparently does not appear in Windows, it may be something related only to the Android OS, which may be beyond the scope of the developer's prerogatives.
*Fact, not face*

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Odd behavior of actor database0