remote control advice for trigkey green G2 mini pc.
I have bought a trigkey Green G2 last year and wanted it to replace the asrock ion 330 kodi box for my parents.  That has a Infrared eye built in, however this new mini pc doesn't, at first i couldn't get kodi (libreelec) to run because of driver/kernel issues so it used the box for something else, now a year later kodi seems to run fine... but i still have to figure out the remote solution. 

Any advice?

What i need is some sort of gerneric USB Infrared Eye solution but it's hard to find it seems. I have also looked for MCE all in one solution but sold out everywhere, when i google for bluetooth remote in my country (the netherlands) i get nothing usefull.  Flirc also seems to be sold out everytwhere... 

Is it really this hard to find a decent solution?
(2023-08-10, 10:53)terrestrial Wrote: Is it really this hard to find a decent solution?
I use this - and it works great. This will require some DIY though.
try here:
and here:

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remote control advice for trigkey green G2 mini pc.0