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Solved SMB Playing Works Fine, Scraping Fails
Hi All -

I have a samba share set up on my server that generally works fine but I'm seeing quite a few things not getting scraped correctly. Full log here:

Here's a snippet of what I'm seeing:
2023-09-01 17:11:28.010 T:4317 error <general>: SMBDirectory->GetDirectory: Unable to open directory : 'smb://USERNAMETongue[email protected]/disk2/Media/TV_SHOWS/Futurama/Futurama%20-%20s11e02%20-%20Children%20of%20a%20Lesser%20Bog.mp4' unix_err:'14' error : 'Not a directory'

When I navigate to TV SHOWS -> Futurama the TV SHOW info is there but it's showing no episodes, despite multiple episodes being in the folder.

When I navigate to the folder and actually go into Futurama folder I'm seeing the episode, and, I can play the episode.

It appears like no scraping is working at all. Another updated log with another attempt to refresh "Baki Hanma". Finds the show but shows zero episodes despite the folder having multiple episodes inside.

  1. you didnt enable debugging during logging so there is not enough information
  2. your logs are incomplete, cut off at the bottom
  3. they are filled with errors from a deprecated addon, uncertain which
  4. you have 3 different information providers installed for tvshows - which one is the source configured to use?
(2023-09-02, 02:40)jepsizofye Wrote:
  1. you didnt enable debugging during logging so there is not enough information
  2. your logs are incomplete, cut off at the bottom
  3. they are filled with errors from a deprecated addon, uncertain which
  4. you have 3 different information providers installed for tvshows - which one is the source configured to use?

Let's try again:
For 1 - 2: Full log here:
3: No idea but doubt that it is what is causing the hiccup as this was working fine literally in the last few days (no changes as far as I know)
4. Default is TMDB TV Shows

Tried to scrape Futurama and the show appears in TV Shows but no episode scrape. Screenshot below of content of folder inside of Kodi (clearly episodes are there and named fine).

We'll hash this up to an experienced user falling to a noob problem. TMDB has different season Wink Changing now. Will mark as resolved assuming it scrapes.
(2023-09-02, 04:28)jrubenol Wrote: For 1 - 2: Full log here: bividipeqe.kodi (paste)
much better, the deprecated warnings are preceded by the moviedb helper entries, you have version v4.10.14 installed latest is v5.1.35 so very possible that is where they are coming from -
no, not related just makes the log messy
(2023-09-02, 04:28)jrubenol Wrote: 4. Default is TMDB TV Shows
there are 2 on your setup, 1 is deprecated, 1 is .python and im not sure how to identify from the source side as it says "TMDB TV Shows" on the python one, recommend removing the one that is not marked .python
(2023-09-02, 04:30)jrubenol Wrote: We'll hash this up to an experienced user falling to a noob problem. TMDB has different season Wink Changing now. Will mark as resolved assuming it scrapes.

very good, please update if it works

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SMB Playing Works Fine, Scraping Fails0