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Are NFOs the only way to handle shows like The 2000s and The 2010s
I've generally avoided NFO files unless absolutely needed.  I noticed that certain shows like The 2000s and The 2010s don't scrape well.

Is there a way to force a TVDB shown (like a file with a number) or are NFOs it?
"TMDb TVShows" as a scraper scans The 2000s fine if you add the year to the folder name

i just tested it with "The 2000s (2018)" and i expect the same to work for your other show
let me try with the year. I've been using TVDB, not TMDB.
You can also use a Parsing nfo file...
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This is what I was looking for. But it resolves it to IMDB, if I'm reading correctly. Which then tries to resolve it to other scrapers?
(2023-09-13, 15:28)sufreak Wrote: But it resolves it to IMDB, if I'm reading correctly. Which then tries to resolve it to other scrapers?
If you use TMDB, then TMDB also has a field for IMDB, so it just does a lookup at TMDB. You can use IMDB or TMDB URL's

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I'm using TVDB, but I will give this a shot to see how it goes

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Are NFOs the only way to handle shows like The 2000s and The 2010s0