No Video Playing MKV (720p) Files
I'm attempting to play various MKV (720p) files using XBMC Beta 1. When I click on them the text turns colour (indicating that it is "playing") and the sound starts playing but no video appears. The sound seems to play for about 5 seconds and then loops over and over and over again. I can click stop and return to the interface, so XBMC isn't hung or anything.

All other content plays fine. The MKV files play fine in Media Player Classic using the CCCP codec pack. I know that XBMC uses it's own internal codecs.

I've searched for solutions for a few hours now with no luck.

FYI: I recently upgraded my motherboard (not to try to fix this issue!) including new sound, video, etc. and this problem still exists as it did before. I'm running Vista. Maybe back to XP?

Log file posted:
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Suggestion noted! Pastebin updated with full log file playing both an MKV that doesn't work and an AVI that does.

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No Video Playing MKV (720p) Files0