Skin settings challenges for movies
Having some challenges with how movies are displayed.

Below is the how I was going into the skin settings

skin settings - main menu - setup aeon nox main menu - movies - manage sub menu - recent adds - change action - videos - "selecting source folder" getting dir listing - create menu here - display select options "file view, movies, etc."

When I select "file view" the movies appear but don't always refresh (missing movie description/info) --- when i select "movies" duplicate source folders appear.

any help would be appreciated...

(2023-11-10, 19:15)nitrorat52 Wrote: When I select "file view" the movies appear but don't always refresh (missing movie description/info)
From the main menu this iten should have been called 'file maintenance mode', but to make the button short... it's called 'Video', you can change it to any name you like in the skin settings. This function show everything in a source even if it's not in Kodi's library yet... in other words, the file/folder has yet to be scanned and doesn't have meta-data yet. Consequently it's missing (missing movie description/info). So scan it in.. pressing the 'i' on the keyboard should do the trick in most cases... The scraper might be confused if the nomenclature is incorrect or their is no date and the title has many different versions, Kodi is not that smart.
(2023-11-10, 19:15)nitrorat52 Wrote: when i select "movies" duplicate source folders appear.
If you have one movie but duplicate listings, the system>settings>media>Clean Library will prune videos that don't have videos in the source path. Another possibility is you have the same movie in multiple locations (check the path is different, and delete one). If the movie folder has more than one video in it... e.g. trailers, extras, features etc... they may be mistook as another video and scraped with the same name... Again check path to see what the executable is and clean the folder. Use the 'extras' add-on which creates a folder in the target movie folder called... 'extras' and throw everything into it that should NOT be in the main movie folder. Add-on:Extras (wiki)

Yes keeping a clean library is a bit of work, but reading the wiki's will cause less pain. First time user (wiki) and Quick start guide (wiki); I suspect this will not be the only question your ask, so be sure you keep your questions posted in the correct forum in a new thread and if it's complex; we like a log with debugging turned on.

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